手機:17321056802 (微信)
the user is able to switch between these two gases. This instrument communicates with master devices digitally,
(-10 to +60°C with oxygen) Ambient temperature -10 to +50°C Accuracy ±0.8% o.R. ±0.3% F.S.
(after 1 min. warm up time) Repeatability ±0.1% F.S. Response time (t95%) < 300 ms Materials
當前流量將通過 RS 通訊輸出??舍槍煞N不同的氣體對型號 8703 進行校準,
no further A/D conversions needed. The MassFlowCommunicator software can be used for parameterisation and diagnosis.
Technical Data Nominal ? ow range1) (Qnominal)
? Direct flow measurement by MEMS- Technology for nominal flow rates from 10 mlN/min to 80 lN/min (N2)
? High accuracy ? Short response time ? Compact design and digital communication
Mass ? ow meter are used in process technology for the direct measurement of the mass ? ow of gases.
采用半導體傳感器技術的直接流量測量裝置,適合額定流量范圍 20 mlN/min 至 80 lN/min (N2)
Body Housing Seals Aluminium or stainless steel Metal FKM, EPDM Port connection NPT 1/4, G 1/4, screw-in ? tting or sub-base, others on reques
In case of volumetric ? ow meters, it is necessary to measure the temperature and the pressure or the density,
because gases change their density or rather their volume depending on the pressure.
The digital mass ? ow meter type 8703 uses a sensor on silicon chip basis located directly in contact with the gas.
Due to the fact that the sensor is directly in the bypass channel a very fast response time of the MFM is reached.
The actual ? ow is given over RS485-communication. Type 8703 can optionally be calibrated for two different gases,
The measurement of the mass ? ow, on the other hand, is independent of the pressure and temperature.
10 mlN/min 2) to 80 lN/min (N2), see table on p. 2 Turn-down ratio 1:50, higher turn-down ratio on request
Operating gas Neutral, non-contaminated gases, on request Calibration gas Operating gas or air with conversion factor Max.
operating pressure (Inlet pressure) 10 bar (145 psi) depending on the ori? ce of the valve Gas temperature -10 to +70°C
8703 型數字式質量流量測量儀具有一個以硅芯片為基礎的傳感器(參見 2 頁的描述),
Electr. connection Plug D-Sub 9-pin Power supply 24V DC Voltage tolerance ±10% Residual ripple < 2% Power
consumption 5 W Communication Digital via RS485 (half-duplex or fullduplex),
RS422 Protection class IP40 Dimensions [mm] see drawings p. 5-6 Total weight ca. 500 g (aluminium body)
Installation horizontal or vertical Light emitting diodes (default functions, other functions programmable)
Indication for power, limit and error Binary Input (default, other functions programmable) Not assigned Binary Output
(default, other functions programmable) One relay-output for Limit (process value close to full scale value) Max. load: 25V, 1A, 25VA
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄